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My Videos

Channel Trailer
It's okay I guess
My Other Voicemail Message
The other one of my alternating voicemail messages
Voicemail Message
One of my alternating voicemail messages
Robot reads you their favourite book ASMR
Let their soothing voice caress your soul into sleepy town
Saying goodbye to a friend
An in-memoriam video dedicated to a friend who passed away after some unfortunate rolls.
Clutch Control At Low Speed
A truly gripping tutorial
Red & Blue: Pilot Episode
A short animation I made, was originally going to be more Smurf-orientated. But was worried about potential legal issues
Pop group "Big Time Rush" KILL Simon Cowell
RIP Simon Cowell, you had a good run
Netflix has since contacted me about the potential full documentary rights.
Just an average day in my life
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