My Projects
A potential company, designed to educate the employees of small businesses of the dangers posed by online scams, and how to avoid them
Emerging Technologies
A modular WordPress website I made with Jake Pyrczak, designed to be updated with new emerging technologies easily. However in the previous task we both did 3D Printing....
Little Soldier Boy Prototype
A prototype I made for a game I helped pitch. The game follows a woman in World War 2, who must help guide a young soldier back to his unit via radio.
SIT124 3D Printing: A History
A WordPress website I made, designed to teach about the history, impact and future of 3d Printing
Lost and Found App
An app I designed where you can describe a lost item, as well as the general location of where you lost it
Game Tracker
A web app that allows users to login, input a game, and then track the time they have spent playing said game
Escape the room game
A game I developed in C++ where you have to escape a room and fight a guy