Radelia drank the blood but noticed no changes
The blood moon emerged, causing Vlad’s servants (Radelia included) to grow claws of hardened blood and begin attacking party goers
Emberro figured out who we were and polymorphed back into his dragon form
The front door was locked, stopping people from escaping
Jae and Vigoro managed to break the door down
The servants were attempting to summon the demons who were forming as inky blot spirits
The process was sped up by the scared party goers
Vlad turned to blood mist and flew away
Emberro bashed his way inside
Radiant the celestial elephant destroyed evil servants using radiant magic
We evacuated all but twelve party goers and knocked Radelia unconscious
We stopped the demon summoning by calming the unconscious nobles
After which Vlad reappeared, expressed that we excited him and then left
We found out that a group called the secret order of war masons were supplying Nightbloom to Vlad
Jae Medarda helped us shrink Rosewood Manor into a pocket dimension housed within a crystal