Daniel appeared back in the sewers, only he remembered previous events
We came up with a plan to sneak into the town hall
We met Tenuma, who is an expert on Xeno-Types (Void Creatures)
The door to Malzahar was being guarded by two guards, who Emet managed to inspire, before we knocked them unconscious
After which Malzahar emerged and began summoning Voidlings
During the fight Radelia sent a pleading message to Vlad, asking for his aid, and in return she would work for him
Alexandre was killed by Voidlings
Vlad appeared and started destroying Voidlings
Radelia died protecting the party, after which, her real name: "Dallas Hoarsehair" was heard by everyone in Runeterra
We managed to kill Malzahar, and in his room we found a small Void blob