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Image by Annie Spratt
Writer's pictureCableties

Chapter 3: Old Babs

Continued our journey until we came across Restion

Rexanna argued with her brother about their recent aggressive war-mongering actions

They don’t understand why she had to leave

Rexs younger sister is sick, made worse by the actions of Mathias

Ichtaca investigated a potion the Horde confiscated from a witch that is capable of prolonging Rex’s sisters sickness

The potions main ingredient is Nightbloom, a flower native to Ichtacas destroyed village

We chose to make a detour to Rex’s home Qualthala

We came across an old frog name Old Babs

We discovered that she got the Nightbloom from a manor in Noxian territory

Mathias suggested that we could make a deal with a demon named Two Coats who feeds off desperation to get around faster

We arrived at Qualthala as it was in the midst of being destroyed by a dragon

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